The Nigerian culture that Runsewe does not know | by Ayo Sogunro
Essays / The Pontifical Papers

The Nigerian culture that Runsewe does not know | by Ayo Sogunro

The Director-General of the National Council for Arts and Culture, Segun Runsewe, has been on my mind lately, and not with admiration. He represents the typical policy dysfunction that is a trademark of our political system: one where people with the least understanding of a nuanced issue are given the task of directing it. Incompetent … Continue reading

Homophobic rhetoric and Nigeria’s culture of violence | by Ayo Sogunro
Essays / The Pontifical Papers

Homophobic rhetoric and Nigeria’s culture of violence | by Ayo Sogunro

Sometime in May 2015, in Abuloma, Port Harcourt, a man named Charles was harassed, beaten, and robbed by his neighbourhood security watch. What was his crime?  He was perceived to be homosexual. When he reported this incident to the police, he was advised to leave the area if he wanted to avoid future ‘embarrassment’. In … Continue reading